Wednesday, January 28, 2015

For the Lord will not be held back and the darkness will not consume Him, for He is a Mighty Warrior and even as the grave could not hold Him back from glory this darkness will not hold Him back from His glory covering the earth. For the church will break through the madness of this age and the aroma of Christ will be the fragrance of salvation. His redeemed, His chosen, will come forth like majestic war horses scarred, bruised, broken, but full of the Spirit and faith to battle for people, places and events like never before. The arrows will be shout forth into the darkness of the enemies camp with precision and the high places will be crippled, pushed back and those that have been held in captivity will be set free. For the voice of the Bridegroom will be heard throughout the camp " These are Mine they are my beloved you can't have them". The down trodden, poor, retched,abused, oppressed tortured and blind will stand up from their prison graves and the Wind will dust them off, unwrap them from the stench of darkness, cloth them with robs of righteousness and set them in the land of the living. For the Lord declares over the nations the favorable year of His visitation! Luke 4:18-19; Ephesians 4:9-10

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