Saturday, January 31, 2015

For I will come in an hour when you lest expect and I will visit you at a time when you are lingering in the night hours crying out for My presence, for My strength, to come and fill you and give you answers to the conflicts around you. I know My child you have been bruised, cut up and tempted in this hard battle, but don't given up and even though you  feel faithless I have covered you with My faithfulness. The demons have tried to swallow you up and drown you in the caldron of darkness, but I sent My angels and they rescued you and gave you nourishment to continue in the fight. The eyes of darkness have been blind, causing them to be disoriented and retreat for a season. I know you feel weak and unable to go forward, but it is not that long now and with each step you take I will fill you with the strength and faith you need to continue. I will move upon your heart and revive the midnight hours. This is the season to take advantage of the enemies weakness and become stronger in the Spirit and the power of My might. Remain in Me and I will remain in you. Pick up your sword now, for it is the fear of the Lord that is being restored in you and as that is restored and flowing in you so shall My anointing flow in you and through you!Daniel 9:20-23;10:10-21;John 15;Psalms 27:1

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