Saturday, January 31, 2015

For I will come in an hour when you lest expect and I will visit you at a time when you are lingering in the night hours crying out for My presence, for My strength, to come and fill you and give you answers to the conflicts around you. I know My child you have been bruised, cut up and tempted in this hard battle, but don't given up and even though you  feel faithless I have covered you with My faithfulness. The demons have tried to swallow you up and drown you in the caldron of darkness, but I sent My angels and they rescued you and gave you nourishment to continue in the fight. The eyes of darkness have been blind, causing them to be disoriented and retreat for a season. I know you feel weak and unable to go forward, but it is not that long now and with each step you take I will fill you with the strength and faith you need to continue. I will move upon your heart and revive the midnight hours. This is the season to take advantage of the enemies weakness and become stronger in the Spirit and the power of My might. Remain in Me and I will remain in you. Pick up your sword now, for it is the fear of the Lord that is being restored in you and as that is restored and flowing in you so shall My anointing flow in you and through you!Daniel 9:20-23;10:10-21;John 15;Psalms 27:1

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

For the Lord will not be held back and the darkness will not consume Him, for He is a Mighty Warrior and even as the grave could not hold Him back from glory this darkness will not hold Him back from His glory covering the earth. For the church will break through the madness of this age and the aroma of Christ will be the fragrance of salvation. His redeemed, His chosen, will come forth like majestic war horses scarred, bruised, broken, but full of the Spirit and faith to battle for people, places and events like never before. The arrows will be shout forth into the darkness of the enemies camp with precision and the high places will be crippled, pushed back and those that have been held in captivity will be set free. For the voice of the Bridegroom will be heard throughout the camp " These are Mine they are my beloved you can't have them". The down trodden, poor, retched,abused, oppressed tortured and blind will stand up from their prison graves and the Wind will dust them off, unwrap them from the stench of darkness, cloth them with robs of righteousness and set them in the land of the living. For the Lord declares over the nations the favorable year of His visitation! Luke 4:18-19; Ephesians 4:9-10

Friday, January 2, 2015

A strong north wind is approaching!

A basket full of fruit (words) some of which are ripe ready to eat, others are not quit ready come and eat as the Spirit leads!
 Prepare your hearts church, for a strong north Wind is approaching and stirring up a south Wind!( Song of Songs 4:16) It will blow hard upon the church. This wind contains more than a strong breeze ruffling the leaves of the trees. This wind contains the fire and rain of the Spirit that will set the church on fire drenching it with holy rain, causing the church to breath out its fragrance. But it also will bring a freezing bite to the movement of smooth talkers, devours of the sheep and the elitist who have set themselves up as super apostles creating;                                                                                The high maintenance church
2 Timothy 3:7 Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge(or recognition) of the truth.
   The high maintenance church is a local body of believers, ministry, or large denominational church, that by definition is; constantly maintaining what they already have and never being able to move forward into maturity due to their compromising life and the captivating performance of the high rollers of ministry. For it is the solid food that brings maturity but many have settled for the milk zone, which keeps them in the wanting position always needing someone to provide the milk injection for their spiritual immaturity.
Hebrews 5:12-13 For though by this time you ought to be teachers you have need again of someone to teach you; and you have come to need milk and not solid food.
This is where things can go south in a Christians walk with Christ. Seeds get sown into the ground of the heart but there is a lack in personal growth in the feeding(watering)of those seeds
 Churches, especially in America will experience an increase in deficiency, due to a high dependence of self promotion and finances. The wind of the Spirit will be upon the shepherds and leaders and the Refiners fire will be turned up to purify and bring the bride to a ready state. There will be a greater increase in desire to study the word and intimacy due to the darkness that will continue to increase. The Fathers heart is for the bride to be intimate with the Bridegroom not the world. To know Christ not through a leader. Your dependence on church and the present landscape will be shattered. His purpose is not to create a dependence upon self but upon Him. Not upon your pastors and leaders but upon Him. The high maintenance church depends on what is seen the here and now, not on the assurance and conviction of faith the things not seen. This kind of church can only function when the milk is being produced, for there is always a constant need for milk with the high maintenance.
 Pastors and those of the equipping ministries will experience a total restoration before His coming! there will be a shift in their calling, a leading by the Spirit to vacate the pulpit, some permanently others for a season to lead into the grass roots of service bringing the kingdom of God into the highways and byways (many walks of life). They that answer the call of the Spirit of God will experience an anointing that will restore the church into the landscape and resemblance of the early church. The heart of many believers will be changed from the temporal earthy to the eternal heavenly. The faith of the church will not rest on human wisdom but on the power of the living God. There will be a widespread coming out from under the yoke of the traditional church that has been built on human wisdom and entering into the Bridegrooms yoke with full attention and uncompromising love that the self sufficiency and dependence on that which we strive for will fall away and His presence and revelation will grow stronger in His bride.
An increase of open air meetings, spontaneous gatherings that will captivate many souls through the power of God. Many cells will come forth out of these meetings
A fallout of the mega churches will occur, but the net of the Father will rescue the sheep and the Shepard will continue to build His church in His frame work. Where the sheep have been sheared for the gain and prosperity of the church, Christ the Chief Shepard will come and overturn the tables  bringing cleansing to His house. He will bring the fire and rain of the Spirit restoring His sheep with their gifts bringing a renewal/revival that will take them to the field of their destiny. The residue that rebel towards this refining storm will be in jeopardy and can fall into the clutches of the enemy that is forming his church which is the apostate church (2 Thessalonians 2:3). The movers and shakers of the church will be shaken and all their temporal wealth will be put into the Refiners fire and that which remains will be used for His glory, but the rest will be burned up and blown away like chaff (Malachi 3:1-7).
Persecution Many will be hated because of the gospel, even bringing divisions within the family unit. Because of Christ and the conviction of the Spirit, children will be against parents and grandchildren against grandparents. But those who endure to the end will be saved (Matt. 10:21-22)
  The cauldron of the enemy is being stirred by those in darkness but the Lord will fulfill His plans for His church and those that are far from Him will be brought near.
 For His Wind will blow upon the stony hearts, the misfits of society, the high and mighty. A remnant of the high maintenance church will be changed into a Levite army, keepers of the flame, those that will know the heartbeat of the Lord and be those watchers on the walls. laying siege works against the kingdom of darkness. Dramatic change to and for the House of pray. Many churches have lost the vision for prayer but have become giants in performance and keeping the sheep always needing. A visitation of the Refiner is coming and the tables will be overturned and the desire for milk will stop and hearts for greater revelation of Christ will come forth. Services will be changed and times of intercession will be predominate. Where the House of prayer has been placed in a corner or unseen segment of the church will be given full appearance, teaching and leading with great anointing bringing the church to a level of maturity that the wisdom of man could never accomplish. The word will come forth out of those times of prayer and teaching will erupt like a fountain from the wise with signs and wonders following (Proverbs 13:14;Acts5:12;6:8).
The technical arena has affected the thinking of society leading many to do the unthinkable, others have increased their wealth leading them farther into the clutches of the enemy but not far from the Lord. The church has profited much in the good the internet has to offer but also has become very vulnerable to the many resources that the web offers entangling and bringing a deficiency in the area of simple devotion to and hearing the voice of the Bridegroom! The Lord will bring a freezing wind (in the form of discipline) upon these tentacles causing the church to open their eyes and break away from the snare to hear afresh His pure voice. For the Spirit has much to say to the church that doesn't need modification nor the wisdom of man to reach the spirit of the believer and the field of harvest. For even as Daniel was told that many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase, he was told as we are being told these days, to go his way. To go the way of the King. To sit in His presence and learn from Him. For in Him is all wisdom, understanding, knowledge and truth. "Put away the tools of this age, which you use to hear and develop a message and come to Me and I will fill you with fresh meat that will satisfy. Fresh words that are anointed with My Spirit that will bring life to the hears!"
Those that are built upon Him following His words will not be blown away!(Matt.7:24-27)