Monday, September 29, 2014

"The sound of wild intercession" What is that sound? What does it look like? Sounds of heaven are released like thunderous waves of the Wind, fervent worship, unknown tongues that pierce the heart shattering the forces of darkness, groaning from a whisper to volumes of intense noise that causes the spirit within to fly. Twirling, dancing, total thrashing of arms and hands, jerking of head. Total abandonment of self as flesh is aligning with the Spirit. To the natural man total confusion, in the Spirit orchestrated order. What happened to the wild ones? Intercession has gone from wild stallions, young calfs released from the stalls, eagles flying above it, to an orchestrated prayer time that seems to fall short of what the Spirit was wanting. Has a religious spirit crept in unaware dressed up as an angel of light, to dampen, suppress, systematically change the atmosphere from an anointing, flowing like a rushing river to a trickle. You can't lasso a stallion, young calfs need to get out of the stalls, eagles can't be caught to clip their wings. These kind of intercessors need a place to run, fly, to frolic in His presence. The world fights battles in the natural, but the saints fight darkness with divine power sending the forces of darkness back to the gates of hell. Declaring over the intercessors "restoration of the wild ones"!! Do you hunger, is your spirit being stirred to free fall into deep waters of Spirit that will take you above it all and give you strategies that will halt the black hours of death? A gathering of intercessors with a prophetic voice is forming even now in the Spirit. They will come out of that religious atmosphere, set free to pour into the heavenly bowls the prayers of the Spirit to change the course of peoples, places and events.
"Oh that My bride would come away with Me and spend the night running through the heavens with the anointing of the Spirit, drenched with the fragrance of intercession. Welcome to prophetic intercession! Come to the heart of the Spirit! The Spirit and the bride say come!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

"Birthing Part1" In the church this process spiritually speaking is described in the word as it is in the natural.  When the Spirit came into Mary who gave birth to the Son of God, it wasn't in a few days. The process took the nine months that it usually takes to give forth a baby. When the Spirit comes into the believer at the time of conversion there is also a time, a season before we give birth to the work of the Spirit. There are times when we feel we are getting close and wanting this work to come forth that we begin to push to soon, thus prolonging the process or even worse we end up aborting or giving birth prematurely. In these few post I will share what the Spirit has put on my heart concerning the need for the prescribe time and the seasons we and the local church must go through to give birth to a healthy work.

"Birthing the work of God in our lives Part 2" Luke 1:41when Mary was pregnant with Jesus the God/man, she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth and at Mary's arrival the baby leaped in her and she was filled with the Spirit. We are earthen vessels but God through the Spirit births His work in us and through us. Luke 2:39 and Jesus continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him. Even as Jesus was growing in the natural He was also growing in the Spirit. Jesus from the beginning of His birth was laying a foundation of the work of the Spirit as it would be in the life as a believer. Jesus revealed that blue print to Nicodemus in John 3:5 unless you are born of the Spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of God. There are times of seemingly quick growth and other times it will take longer to birth a new work in our lives. Even as the Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived by the Spirit we as born again believers have become pregnant by the Spirit and the work of God has been conceived in us waiting for the right time to come forth. Like Jesus our involvement with God the Spirit will mature us in the kingdom of heaven. How we receive this new birth and respond to the Spirit will dictate our journey in Christ. It is very possible to get the cart before the horse, pushing when we should be breathing, forcing when we should be waiting. In the kingdom of heaven a healthy pregnancy is nurtured in the Spirit which will produce a fruitful work!

"Are you tired of being pregnant?"Part 3 Though there is a season of waiting, (which is actively pursuing Christ) praying, (preparing our hearts) moving towards what we believe is a new work of the Spirit in our lives, we get overwhelmed wanting this season to be over. Nothing seems to fit or work anymore and we get edgy even tempted to look for a substitute, something else that looks and feels like a new work. We at times feel barren and wanting to give up we look for an artificial way to produce that work of the Spirit. It is during these times that the birds of the air (Matt.13 demons) fly in to steal seeds of faith and hope, tempting you to leave that place of Spirit nurturing that you need to give you strength preparing you for delivery. Even as Mary and Joseph needed to go to Bethlehem because of the census, she was with child but only engaged. This in itself could have put her in a place of feeling uneasy, uncomfortable, incomplete and wanting this season to be over. But her place was that deep union with God that kept her steadfast. The days were completed and she gave birth, in a stable an unlikely place, but very much ordained but God. Are you feeling uncomfortable, nothing seems to be working? Don't look for a substitute or give up, the Spirit brings forth at the right time and at the right place. Perhaps you are at place that you feel pregnant with the work of God but nothing is happening. There are times when the Spirit will move you to a different location in order to bring forth the birth. Many times its finding that new place in Him that will bring forth the work of God in you(John 3:8). Gods time and ours are different! He will take us through the whole season until we are ready. When it is time the travailing begins with groaning deep in our spirit(Rom.8:26). Our intercession is turned to loud cries as the Spirit begins to push forth the work of God. This is crucial we cannot get in the way by taking control, rushing through this time can cause a premature work which will be unhealthy. We must learn to breath, for God causes all things to work together for good(Rom.8:28)This is in our personal walk, in the local church it is magnified, now it is the whole church gathering with one heart to see the Spirit bring forth a particular work, such as revival. Coming up," birthing is a community of believers collaboration".

" Fire upon the water" As I was watching the news on all the fires with pictures of the devastation, there was one pic that stood out, showing a lake with the reflection of the fire on it. "I hear the Spirit saying; a new place of intercession, your brook has dried up a new place I will give to you."A new atmosphere I will create. A fire started in Elijah as he prophesied drought upon the land. As Elijah journeyed to the brook of Cherith a season of provisional intercession was released and only that which Elijah needed was provided. Before the waters flow the fire will purify. The Spirit will gut us before He releases the waters of revival. Provision came to Elijah in the form of a raven feeding him even as he himself went through the word that he spoke.  As we speak words we many times are the ones that embody that word, that we become a vessel of experience and not just of word. The brook dried up and God moved him to another place of provision. Has your brook dried up? Has your waters of intercession feel like the burning fire? Burning purifies the heart that the water can flow with anointing. Many of us want the glories of victory, but run from the trenches of agony. Its the groaning of the Spirit in us that is causing flesh to die and our spirit to fly . You may be going through the fire but your water is coming. The Spirit lead Elijah to another place of provision that expressed  itself in the supernatural. Elijah was heading to one of the most dynamic events in his ministry and the Spirit was preparing him for it. Have you been sensing a tugging to come away from that dry place. The Spirit is inviting you to a deeper place that you can be prepared for an event that will take all of you surrendered to Him. There is more to be refined, the purging of the Spirit in our lives brings clarity direction and release.  As Elijah was crouched down on Mount Carmel the fire of intercession was being released upon the hard rain that was coming. Before the rain came Elijah saw it  and was pushing the work of God upon the earth. Even his position suggested that he was in travail giving birth to the work of God. There has been a grinding, a sanding of edges in our lives that we can be that pliable church-intercessor, that will soak up the rain of the Spirit and let it flow through the drought-land. The fire must proceed the water that they both can become one. Love sick for Jesus makes life and ministry a joy. There is a hibernating of, a brooding over the dream before the season of release comes. The drought will end and the hard rain will be released. Push, Push, Push this is the time to push forth the work of God in our lives. Push from the overflow of the Spirit He will bring delivery. It is time to go deeper, if you are touching bottom you still depend upon yourself!! Let go!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

 "Surf's up" can you feel it, that excitement, that stirring, the talk that is going around. Hey dude we got some major swells coming.. far out! As waves are approaching surfers are preparing for that great ride and yes that perfect wave. Can you feel it, that rumbling that stirring? Have you been sensing something big coming? Put your ear to the ground and eyes to the heavens there is a huge wave approaching and it is bringing an awesome awakening with it. Wake up church for even the nations are perplexed over the roaring of the sea and the waves. This is gnarly man! People are fainting from fear and expectation of the things that are coming, and the heavens that are shaking. Grab your board dudes quite snoozing and prepared for the big wave. Luke 21:25

Friday, September 5, 2014

Like the sight of a monster dust cloud swiping across the dry desert bringing terror upon a city and engulfing everything in its path, is this present evil age that has been lurking behind the scenes is now coming out onto the stage making itself known to the whole world. Who and what is this evil that is picking up steam and hitting the shores of the church and society like a tsunami. Paul describes it as a perversion, a deserting of Christ  for a different gospel(Gal.1:4-6). We also read in (2 Corinth. 4:4) that the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel. Romans 12:2 do not be conformed to this age. But who is fueling this engine that at present is bringing terror to many nations? Bringing division amongst fundamentalist and charismatic alike? Pounding hard on the shores of society and church alike with the institution of marriage and lifestyles? We can differently link much of it to our sinful natures that when left unchecked or unredeemed can produce a vacuum sucking life out of our very existence. But there is also one that with his hordes of evil armies has produced a wave of deception,violence, death and perversion that has captured and lead astray whole cities, countries and nations. As we read Revelation 12&13 we see that it is non other than Satan himself, the prince of the power of the air, who has fought against Gods plans for mankind from the beginning. But there is another wave coming that will for a season overpower this present darkness opening up the waterfalls of heaven bringing a season of revival to people, places and events that will thwart and disarray the forces of darkness. A season of salvation and anointing that will recapture what the enemy has stolen, setting many free from the chains of darkness and this present evil age. The church must be aggressive in their warfare, cutting off the heads (high places) of the enemy, fighting the good fight of faith (unlike the wisdom of some who are all talk), interceding for one another and society, sending darkness back to the gates of hell (Isaiah 60). Could it be that another awakening is just on the horizon? Has the church become so paralyzed by this age that their eyes have become blind and ears dull of hearing what the Spirit is saying. History does repeat itself and revival, outpouring always seems to come onto the stage of deep darkness.
For the fields are already turning golden/white for harvesting. We cannot look upon the dark storm that wants to distracted the church from their purpose and destiny. Christ by the power of the Spirit is bringing a wake up call to the bride! It is not a time to snooze under the juniper tree like Elijah did, because of despair and the controlling spirit of his day, but to awaken and eat what the Spirit puts before you for the journey is great and without His nourishment we will be unable to accomplish the task. For the Bridegroom is calling His bride "awaken my love and come away with Me. Let go of the mandrakes of this life that will surly deceive and distract leaving you barren and fruitless. But arise now let us go into the cities and vineyards and see what is blooming that we may harvest for the Father. Under the apple tree on this life I am coming and awakening you from your slumber that you may birth sons and daughters more numerous than you can count" (Isaiah 54).
It is time to enlarge (make ready) the place of your tent, (where you are) stretch out and prepare for the outpouring! Many will say that you are crazy, peculiar. but even as Noah heard the call and prepared ahead of the flood, so you church are to hear the call of the Spirit and prepare for perhaps one of the biggest and may be the last outpourings before the church is taken, (caught up) to be with their Bridegroom forever