Monday, January 2, 2017

God is still moving! His plans are still in effect!

The sound of the clashing swords and the strong wind from the fluttering of angels wings can be felt and will intensify as we move closer to His coming!! He (The Lamb) who is worthy to open the book, will break the seals and the Fathers holy righteous judgments will be revealed. You who are looking for safety you will only find it in the Lamb. The crumbling of institutions held captive by a religious spirit is coming. The prophet's of past generations are being taken home. But out of the valley of dry bones will come forth an army that was prophesied over. They will stand as one voice proclaiming the Fathers love ❤️ and His righteous judgments. The holy land even the beloved city will be shaken and surrounded by many armies, but a remnant will gather like a flock and the Lamb will go before them as a mighty warrior. The outer courts have been given to the nations, but the Branch of the Lord will call His flock to the Most Holy place. And His beloved will come forth with the grafted ones and they will make up the last days army!! He who has ears to ear, ear what the Spirit is saying to the church. For great distress is coming upon the earth and those who choose to ignore the warnings of the Lord will be swept away. But they who are surrendered to the Lamb will rejoice in the midst of calamity, because they have learned to depend on the Fathers substance and plans. For the narrow road will continue to lead to the kingdom of righteousness, peace, love and joy in the Holy Spirit. The broad way will continue to lead to separation from His kingdom of light. For the clouds of great tribulation can be seen, but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you and nations will come to your light!

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