Sunday, July 20, 2014

"The worshiper" being filled with the intoxicating presence of the Spirit

"The worshiper"
     Many of us pride ourselves on certain things that seem to have gotten us through life without to many blunders or mishaps. I would say one of my biggest areas would be that I have been pretty healthy throughout my life with only one major surgery and that being a hernia that was non-evasive out the same day. Being in my sixties now, yes I've come to the conclusion I need to grow up and admit it, I am getting older, senior citizen and recently being faced with another more serious health issue that has left me a bit emotional and concerned. I find in these times a place that I have learn to count on, to carry me though life's storm's. I have found in my Rock, my place of refuge has always been the inner courts, that place of worship that overshadows lives issues. There are times like these(the heath issues) that the Father will use to speak to us, get through to us where we wouldn't or couldn't listen before. I can always tell when I am in His presence. I melt, my whole being becomes surrendered to the Spirit. As I linger, allowing the Spirit to move in me, I become filled and intoxicated. Worshiping is not just a Sunday go to meeting event. A time of orchestrated music that the body can sing along to. I must be honest here, there are times that I depend on the worship leader and team to get me there. The leader can't get me there, I must press in to Him, no matter what songs or how they are being sung. Getting to that place that I enjoy the most doesn't always happen at church, in a corporate setting. But when it does it is very powerful. I am reminded of Lydia in Acts16:14. It says that she
was a worshiper of God and as she listen to Paul her heart was opened. Lydia was a worshiper before she was converted and I believe that just intensified as she followed Christ. When we come into His presence with an opened heart we are changed. The Spirit begins to move in and upon us and we get lost in His presence and the word enters our heart and brings change. That is when we are worshiping in Spirit and truth! There is an intensity from the Spirit, a calling to come away from the issues and madness of this life, and get intoxicated in the Spirit. then the chains of this life will be broken and the church will lead the lost into an atmosphere of triumphal worship that will change them. There are many Lydia's beyond the four walls of the church, that have a heart to worship, they just need the Spirit to open their hearts that they can respond to the word.
Paul and Silas in Acts 16:25 sang songs and worshiped in the late hours being bond up in chains and behind prison doors. I know many times we as believers feel bond up and the chains of this life begin to suppress, depress and paralyze us. But we have a key that will unlock those chains and prison doors! It is called worship. I believe the Spirit is calling the church to such depth of worship that can shake the foundations of the kingdom of darkness and bring heaven to this lost and dying world. Are we willing to put format aside in a corporate setting and allow the Spirit to orchestrate the worship. Are we willing to trust the Spirit to order our steps. Phill. 3:3 says that we are the true circumcision who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.
        In true worship an atmosphere of glory descends upon the worshipers and the eyes and ears are opened to what the Spirit is saying. Our High Priest is calling us into the Holy of holies by His blood that has made the way that we can stand in full assurance of faith having our conscience washed with pure water (Hebrews 10:19-22). This atmosphere releases the gifts and callings in the church that will remove obstacles that are hindering the fainthearted and bond up from receiving. There is a place of surrender of presenting our bodies as a holy sacrifice which pleases the Lord. This offering up of ourselves releases a sweet smelling aroma which touches the Fathers heart and many times can bring His shekinah glory. Worship is so important for the believer and in this atmosphere the heart is changed from hardness to a soft teachable one. Where you would say no to His request in true worship you will melt and say yes to His voice. This Shekinah glory is; He causes to dwell to bring a visitation of His presence to earth. Our Father wants His children to be close to Him. Delighting in His presence, learning of His love and glory. To be filled with the Spirit is our coat of many colors. We can wear this coat anywhere and be in the throne room worshiping whatever we are putting our hands to in service of worship. Worship breaks up the stoning ground and releases the rivers of living waters that brings life (John 4:23-24; 7:38). Madness and chaos can encircle us but being wrapped in the coat of the Spirit is our defense and peace. In His presence there is fullness of joy (Psalms 16:11). From His right hand He releases treasures that will strengthen and equip you to   stand against the storms of this life. A life of worship will overcome the valley of death and cause us to see that it is only a shadow. In this life shadows move in Christ there is no variation or shadow of turning (Ps.23;James1:17). In the atmosphere of worship the Spirit illuminates the shadows to see what is really true and what false. You my find yourself surrounded by enemies, but remember He is preparing a table for you. So let us drink deep the wine of the Spirit, shake off the dust of this life and put on the coat of worship.

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