Monday, June 20, 2016

A fire ragging

A fire ragging"
With all these fires burning it takes a lot of man power and money to put them out. Some are started by arsine others by weather. A fire when left burning can continue to burn everything in its path. They can be very devastating to livestock and structures. James 3:5 says that a great forest is set aflame with just a small fire. Verse 6 the tongue is a fire and will burn us up and everyone else if we can't control it.  These fires do have a positive side, that after the burn life begins to spring up from the midst of the ash and rubble. There is another fire that comes from the Holy Spirit that will burn up the chaff of our lives and allow only the wheat to remain. An unquenchable fire that will burn away the dross so only the gold will be left. This gold from the Spirit comes in liquid form. John 7: 38 says "they who believe in Me from their innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." The more we allow the Spirit to be that fire in our lives the less the tongue will devour our life and others. Let us be those fire starters of the Spirit engulfing the flames of the tongue. It is the fire of intercession that can douse or stop the flames of a natural blaze roaring towards towns and cities. It is the Fathers will to execute the petitions of the church to put a halt to devastation. As we surrender our tongues to the control of the Spirit the effect of our prayers will be fruitful. Pray without ceasing!!Let the waters of intercession flow!!

Friday, June 10, 2016

"Serving up fresh bread and new wine"

You don't know what is fresh until you taste fresh and you can't experience new wine until you drink it. Making several trips to South America on ministry one of the highlights for me as far as eating was going to the bakery and getting fresh bread. The taste and texture was so fresh it melted in my mouth. But I also found that fresh bread would become stale by the next day. If I wanted more fresh bread I would need to go the next morning and get more. Exodus 16:20 God rained down manna every morning, it was their bread for that day. They were told not to store up but gather only for that day because it will become rotten.
1Corinthians 10:4 says that Jesus was the spiritual rock in the wilderness that they drank from. For us today Jesus is the Bread of life, He is the Word, the manna that we are to consume of daily. We can not depend on Sunday morning sermons to get us through the week, it will become stale we must feast daily in order to be nurtured and grow. Jesus said in John 7:37-39 out of our inner most being will flow rivers of living water. Whether we are preaching, teaching or ministering in the prophetic we must be feasting on fresh bread and drinking new wine daily. It can't be feel good words, they must be from the Bread of life. If not, we will be giving and ministering out from our lives that are stale, moldy and of no substance.
Only those who have tasted fresh bread and drank new wine will know the difference. For the world is able to devour you, are you prepared and immersed in the Spirit to walk above it all with victory? Jude 1:20 says to build ourselves up in our faith praying in the Spirit. What is or should I say Who is the new wine? Is it not the Spirit! Jesus sent the Spirit into the
hearts of His church, and to all those who desire to be baptized in the Spirit will receive power to stand against the tide of this present darkness! Paul said in Ephesians 5:18-19 not to be drunk with wine, but to be fill with the Spirit. Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with our hearts to the Lord.
Its not the wine of this world that will give us joy, but being filled with His presents . Consume with His fire, that will give us joy for evermore. Karabashindi!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

"Set free from a religious spirit brings life and fulfillment"

                          "Part 2 Second class citizens"

There is an element that will pull not only those out of second class status, but will ignite them in their callings.That element is releasing. Even though John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ, God through the power of the Holy Spirit had no reservations having the Christ child born through the Virgin Mary. Was it not the woman who were the forerunners of the disciples leading the way to the tomb first? Were there not women surrounding Jesus during His ministry, crucifixion, death and resurrection? Was this just to support Him or was this an example of how the woman of His church are to be embraced and released. Just as Jesus was being an example of a Shepard to His future Apostles He was endorsing also that women can walk in leadership and even have pastoral callings. Paul in Romans 16:1 commends Phoebe and honors her as a servant to the church. What do I believe the Spirit is saying to the church? "we need to accept and honor one another and abolish second class status." The church needs to be set free from their religious bondage. Hearts transformed and eyes opened to all that the women are called to. Honoring and releasing them to their gifts and ministry. When the righteous increase the people rejoice. God is all about increase. He wants you to increase in your calling and gift. He wants the church to increase beyond its present growth. His anointing will flow to those who want to increase. He will pour fresh oil on the tiered and weary bringing fulfillment even to the older women who have felt barren of calling. For the Spirit would say "you will experience the pains of birth, but the joy as you are released bring forth the calling as many children will surround you. For you will come up out of your present place and experience a fresh outpouring. Your latter days will be greater then the former.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"A higher calling in the Father's kingdom"

"Second class citizens"
Do you feel like a second class citizen in life or even in your home church? Taking a flight recently I was ready to board my flight, but was told that all groups needed to wait until first class boarded. As I walked down the aisle to get to my seat I had to walk past first class. Noticing more leg room, bigger reclining chairs and of course more service. Finding my seat I sat down in economy section, small seat, very little to no leg room and service was something you had to pay for. By the time I reached my destination I felt like a second class citizen. As I reflected upon this experience the Spirit began to speak to me and said " This is how many in the body of Christ feel especially the women". I got the feeling of being a lower class person from those who were in first class. i find that not only the men of a church but also those leaders in the church that if they are insecure and or have a lack of knowledge in the scriptures concerning women's role in the church will by their body language and demeanor place the female gender in second class status. This second class status is not biblical nor does heaven embrace it. Galatians 3:28 says that because of Christ there is no separate or second class we all become one in Christ. It is through Christ that we became first class citizens. Ephesians.2:19 we are fellow citizens with the saints and we belong to Gods household. There is plenty leg room in His kingdom. It is the songs of heaven that are sung over male and female alike. Leadership and calling were very much a part of the women in old and New Testament. It is how the church walks this out today that will determine growth in the future. When a church is free from its religious spirit and embrace biblical truth the Spirit will move. Can you imagine what the landscape of a church would look like if women who had pastoral callings were released to fulfill their callings. To me it would be like the Captain of the plane getting on the loud speaker and saying "all you second class you belong in first class, come and fulfill your destiny". I would rather be lifted up and fly with the wings of eagles where there is no partiality. We belong to a Father lights Who gives perfect gifts, with Whom there is no variation or shifting of shadow. James 1:17

Monday, June 6, 2016

" Cheek slappers and spitters" 
Matt. 5:39 Jesus was telling how one should act when they are slapped on the right cheek. He said to turn your head and offer the other. This was not only a beatitude on how we should respond but also a prophetic word that Jesus spoke about what would happen to Him. It was fulfilled in Matt. 26:67. Last March 2012 the Spirit told me that the opportunity that I was given would not happen. You could say I turned my face and offered the other cheek. When I went on a trip this last Feb. the Spirit warned me in so many words that I would be spit upon. I believe the Spirit warns us ahead of time so we have the opportunity to respond in a godly fashion. Who are those cheek slappers, spitters and beaters? It is not always those in the world and it is not always a physical slap or spit. More often they are your Christian brothers and sisters who use words as spit or actions as their hands that hit our cheeks(heart.) Right now there is a flood of cheek slappers, spitters and beaters that if we retaliate can destroy relationships, prevent the Spirit from moving which can mean a delay of revival or no revival. We must learn to forgive, let go that no root of bitterness can spring up. We must trust our Father to discipline those who have accused wrongly, bitter, jealous or they don't trust the Spirit in you. This season is not over for me yet, but I have learned from similar seasons that I must first die to self and let go of all that I hold on to. Because through these seasons the Father by the Spirit is creating something far greater than I could imagine. Jesus is walking in the mist of His candlesticks purifying and igniting that we can be one shinning as stars before the world. So I wait for Him to fill this place. For when you are so in love with Jesus nothing can take His place.