Sunday, August 30, 2015

"Wolf hunters or God seekers"

The seduction is real but the out cry against it is weak if any. For many in the church have been and continue to be deceived and led astray by leaders of nations, churches, organizations  and cults who have an appetite for success, building their kingdom, embracing many eastern religions and philosophy's while imparting it to the flock. These are those that Jude spoke about in his epistle. These certain persons, who crept in unnoticed into the early church's love feast, are doing the same thing not only in society but in the last days church. If the church is only looking at the outward appearance, then what they will see is another one dressed in the same clothing as they. Jesus said "Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15). It is hard to recognize something that is inward!
We must hear in the Spirit what they are speaking, and see in the Spirit the life they are living, based upon the scriptures, in order to discern by the Spirit if they are a wolf or a sheep. We are not called to go hunting after wolves, but to beware of them so that we won't be captured and devoured by their smooth alluring words. These are those that Jude described as clouds without rain, and if there is no rain being poured out in your assemblies then the Spirit is not there, and if the Spirit is not there than that church has become vulnerable to words that speak to the emotions, tickling the ears and opening the door to sorcery, imagination, visualization, which can captivate and paralyze any local church. Ground without water and cultivation will crack and become fallow, unable to bring forth good fruit. Jesus said that good fruit comes from a good tree and bad fruit comes from a bad tree. He said we would know them by their fruits.(Matt. 7:17-20) We speak of revival and an outpouring coming, which I believe is coming, but there is a revival going on right now that many are not aware of and if they were have become so paralyzed by this witchcraft, that they are unable to rise up against this cloud of deception. If I speak of a revival of deception then that means it has already existed in a previous time and is now being revived, fueled up by the enemy himself, to continue deceiving many. Paul in Acts 20:29 was warning the church in Ephesus to be on their guard because savage wolves will come in and not spare the flock. Even those close to us and members of our family have fallen into this web of seduction which has led them away from their once surrendered life to Christ. These are now wondering aimlessly because they have put away the truth, listening to the lie, have fallen asleep, becoming vulnerable to be devoured by the enemy. Our defense is to be God seekers and all His righteousness. Let us not forget what the Spirit spoke through Peter "for those to turn away from the knowledge of Christ and become entangled again, the last state will become worse for them than the first."(2 Peter 2:20) We need to understand that wolves and sheep aren't always necessarily individuals, but also governments and nations and churches. These entities, these institutions are to be the watch dogs, the protectors of society, the peacemakers, caregivers, examples of Christ to the church. But throughout history we see that many have crept in unaware and built their kingdoms and empires with the blood of martyrs and the riches of seduced nations. A narcissistic lone wolf has crept into the political arena and will trump many. He will divide with arrogant cunning speech, tickling the ears of the weaker. He will be a bulldozer for a season and hold the cards. Can God use a wolf? God can use anyone He wishes in His master plan, whether to open the eyes of a nation, or to humble a nation and bring an end times outpouring and the culmination of all things. The church is snowballing towards apostasy, but Elijah's cloud of outpouring is just on the horizon. The enemy would like nothing more than for the church to spend  time hunting wolves. I've never seen sheep hunt wolves, but I have seen them gather as one to their Shepherd. Jude 1:20 says that we are to build ourselves up on our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.  The war room must be filled with intercessors that will stand against this defiling army of demons and stand unshakable with the blood of Jesus and the word of their testimony. The difference between a wolf and a sheep is a wolf is a hunter and a killer not sold out or surrendered to Christ, but is a sell out to his country or church. We have in this world today whether it be in the church or prowling the streets of society lone wolves or even a pack of wolves, that are determined to shred the life of a weak nation, church or one sheep that has gone astray, in order to satisfy their hunger. The sheep are dumb and need to be listening to their shepherd in order to stay alive and protected. Jesus told His disciples as well as us to be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. A wolf is boastful, arrogant, self-centered, always dividing the sheep to prey on the weaker. His or her words are cunning speaking what appeals to the emotions until one is captivated. All this is done through the guise of sorcery leading one away from the truth. I hear the Spirit saying "Stand firm in the faith having your loins girded with Truth" . As with Rehoboam (1Kings12) he acted foolishly by being partial to his generation as opposed to the generation of his father Solomon. If Rehoboam was sold out to Gods will he would have chosen the wisdom of the older generation and the people would have served him gladly. But he was a sell out to the people, the law and because of that he was at war tell he died. Rehoboam was a wolf in his day, only caring for themselves and acquiring kingdoms. We may be in the 21st century but the heart of man is still desperately wicked above all things. There is a parallel between this account and the church today. Jesus is making up His treasured possession (the church) ironing out the wrinkles and cleaning up the spots. The influences of this age have been strong against the church and a millennial generation has arisen. Many are leaving the wisdom of the older generation, the truth of the gospel of Christ and latching on to this lukewarm generation, absorbing this culture, even changing the gospel that it will be less offensive, in order to build their church. Many are having their ears tickled with words that they want to hear, rather than what the Spirit is saying.  Gods grace has become the cure all for our actions making it the norm to sin without any consequences. The conviction of the Spirit has been turned into something that is negative that must be avoided with positive words. True repentance has been swallowed up through smooth easy listening words of compromise leading one away from being convicted of their sin. Many are being lead away from sold out to Gods proven principles and buying into plans that will change the landscape of the local church in an unhealthy way. Jesus said in Matt. 24;3;24 "make sure that no one misleads you". Jesus then said that prior to His coming there would be a great deception. We are ripe for His coming and an awakening! The church is slowly being manipulated away from trusting God and the plans He has for them, to visualizing, imagining and dreaming where they want to be, allowing their minds to take over and imagination to take root which is sorcery. Let us not forget that God will not abdicate His lordship to the power of our minds. We are to seek only the mind of Christ and His mind is not materialistic, it is not focused on success or wealth. Christ mind is focused on the glory of God and obedience to His word. Paul said in 2 Corinth.10:5 "that we are to destroy imaginations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God." The heart of the believer is being deceived and many who had a strong commitment to the gospel are slowly being turned from sold out to Jesus to selling out from what they were raised in and wanting something new. Many churches are being transformed from a Spirit filled/lead first love ministry to a multilevel mega business. From a church whose mandate is to reach all nations with the gospel, to building their own kingdoms with salaries that would knock your socks off, with the justification of "and greater works shell you do". When  Jesus comes for His bride there will have been much upheaval. The church will have gone through apostasy. There will be a revival that will include all generations at that time. A restoration of the pure gospel that the last days remnant will walk heart to heart in. For the Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. The church will be like calves being released from the stalls. Released from the heavy yoke of religion to walking in the freedom of the Spirit. One cannot fake first love! A wolf can only look and act like a sheep but soon enough that which is inwardly will come out and they will be found out. Our defense, is Christ in us the hope and glory. Being renewed first love with our Bridegroom and connected to the word with obedience will illuminate anything contrary to His kingdom and expose it. Jesus said there would be tares among the wheat, but at harvest time the tares( the stumbling blocks) would be gathered up into bundles and burned but the wheat would be gathered into His barn. (Matthew 13:24-30; 37-43). Take courage beloved and shine forth as stars! Let our ambition be to seek all Of our Father and stand strong in Him and the power of His might! It is time to stand up against this seduction that mediocre christianity be change into a blaze that cannot be quenched!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Unplugged prophetic word"

Shaduamonda, shaduamonda, kerabashandi, For the tin men of this world and the darkness that looks to be prevailing is no match for the King of glory. For even in the days of Moses, as the children of Israel were being pursued by the enemy to devour them, the Spirit would say I will come to you, defend and rescue you as I rescued Israel and the horse and rider were drown in the flood that I brought down upon their heads. For the Storm of the Lord will break out among you and flood down upon the heads of injustice and wickedness. Darkness will be unable to stand in My rain that will come and you will be lifted up from the mirky waters of deceit. It is time to let go of your strength that is no match against this cloud of hate and violence and come into the Tower that is higher then all, a Tower of refuge and a Tower of strength against the enemy. I will walk with you through the fire and heal you. But listen, beloved! Behold, He is coming, climbing on the mountains who is this that comes leaping on the hills. For you will be taught to also dance on the hill tops and run upon the mountains of despair and fear. For come now My beloved, My righteousness into your strong Tower and be safe. For I AM the One that runs before you. With great joy I come running to you. There is no obstacle to great that I cannot break through. Though I seem to delay I will come and fill you with My presence that will take you leaping upon the hills like a calf being released from the stalls. Let us dance together in the midst of this darkness, for My glory and love will overcome the darkness and you will be changed. Song of Songs 2:8; Psalms 61:3; Proverbs 18:10

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Father I must be bold in this season and in particular with the fire storms that are causing much destruction and hardship. Father I am being compelled by Your Spirit to stand now against these ragging demons of fire and call forth your miraculous into the midst of devastation. Spirit prepare me to speak forth the word of command to bring the Father glory in the midst of darkness.............

                  Father thank you for the call upon my life and the task you have set before me. When you tell me to speak I don't always know or see the outcome, but I trust in your Divine Providence to guide me and to activate what you choose to, in order to fulfill your will and plans upon people, places and events. So now Father of lights " I command the rain clouds to form over the Pacific and tons of water would now be raised up to fill these clouds. Spirit of God drive forth by Your wind to the states of Washington and California, to every threatening fire storm that is ragging uncontrolled, even those rouge fires that are being guided by evil forces to bring havoc to Your forest, wild life, property and human life. I say storm of the Lord come forth and crush the head of the enemy.
Supernatural Rain drench, Miracle Rain flood the dry land. I command supernatural strength to the firefighters and all that are involved, that they be endowed with your strength. I speak forth the broken arrow affect in this situation. That all the human forces would convene on these areas, but mostly Your heavenly host would now come forth and bring divine assistance into these circumstances. Giving strength to the weary, and to those that lack might, increased power. For the young and vigorous who are stumbling, that they will gain new strength. For the young and older stand up as soldiers. You will mount up with wings like eagles. You will run and not be tired, You will walk and not become tired. I command these fires to retreat, back off and dissipate, in Jesus name!!! I call forth Your salvation to all close acquainted, or affiliated that they who don't know You Christ will sense Your love, protection, and Your working and come to You.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"Awake O north wind His love is unstoppable! "

Jeremiah 23:19 Behold the storm of the Lord it will go forth like a whirling tempest upon the heads of  wickedness crushing the demons of fire and destruction. I am going to show up in the natural as a sign of what I am doing supernaturally. The usual will be changed into the unusual, the predictable to the unpredictable and the dry seasons into wet seasons. For this reason I say to you do not be anxious for your life as to what you shall eat or drink, nor for your body as to what you shall wear. Is not life more than food and clothing. Look at the birds of the air they neither sow, reap or gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father provide for them. Are you not worth more than they? Matt. 6:25-26. You have been shaken by the wisdom of man, and your vision diluted by their knowledge that has brought fear upon you, saying "you must do this and that in order to survive this dryness in the land" But the Spirit would say " Because they think their wisdom is greater than My provision and they turn to their strength rather than trusting Me, I will break the backs of the prideful, confound their strategies, casting aside their plans and move upon the land with miraculous signs that will confound the wisdom of the intellect! Even the mighty among you will say "not because of anything that we have done" For every tower of Babel shall be tore down, for I will not be contained. The high places will be astonished when they see gushers of My grace being poured out upon every dry place. For the darkness is no match for My gloryMy love is unstoppable and My grace abounds even more in the darkness.  For I will encamp around those who fear Me and will rescue them from the fire balls that surround them.Psalms 34:7 Even as the fire storm rises up like a giant dust cloud, He will come like a rushing stream which the Spirit drives.
If My working depended upon your faith you would be defeated and without hope. But I am coming in the heat of the season, to a dry and thirsty land. Prepare your hearts to freely receive of the grace of the Lord. For He is about to open up the flood gates of heaven and many will be surprised, dumbfounded and amazed by His abundant love and grace!Watch now and see what I am about to do. Don't let the wisdom of this world govern your future. Some have given up and given in leaving you hopeless and despondent. But the Lord will gather the four winds and bring storm after storm of His grace, gathering His people as one, flushing out the spirit of control and bringing life to your dry places! This is a Karios season when the church will be unpacked and changed by My presence. It will be like a sprinkle to open up the pours of the heart, then a steady shower, to a flooding. You will abandon the structures and formats, legalistic mindsets, to walk free in your calling having total abandonment from dependency on this life to follow Christ unashamed as He intended! You will look and behold Me and be radiant (Psalms 34:5)