Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Who are you and what are you wearing"

You don't always know what is in someones closet or who they really are until they come out wearing something totally different than who they seem to be. We think that cross dressing is only found in a certain culture in this world. It can be pretty deceptive knowing someone or thinking you know them until they show up in an outfit that doesn't meet their gender. But I understand this because of the darkness we live in the dark that you can't see because many have not come to the Light. But what is more astonishing, or disturbing when you begin to see the same thing in the christian as you see in the world. Perhaps not the clothes cross dressing and changing of genders. I have found even more perplexing, that there are many in the church, the bride of Christ, that after receiving Christ, having tasted of His goodness, made partakers of the Holy Spirit and to know of the age to come, still are cross dressing. You don't always notice them right away, but in time they come out when you would lest expect, their heart is revealed and it is like light has been taken off and darkness begins walking around, displaying the styles of jealousy, strife, control and manipulation.They continue to take off the armor of light, the robs of righteousness and put on the deeds of darkness just to satisfy their flesh. But Paul says in Rom 13:11-14 to put off the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Surrender these clothes of darkness, of drunkenness, sexual promiscuity, strife and jealousy and put on Christ. Do not go into those areas thinking you need to now take off the armor of Light and put on the darkness so you can relate, that will imprison you. How and why can this be Lord? then it came to me. These that keep putting on and taking off Christ have never really surrender. Have never laid a foundation of the secret place with Christ a history of prayer. They have not given all only ten percent which is ninety percent less than what Christ requires, which is all of us. 
We all have baggage with clothes that don't belong on us that needs to be surrendered and exchanged for robs of righteousness. The Lord would say."Come now all you who are heavy laden throw away the old cloths, come into My yoke, for I have clothed and filled you My Spirit. Lay it all down, come bask in the Holy Spirit. Give Me the five loaves and two fishes and I will multiply it and your time in My secret place will be enlarged. Then this urge, this desire, this strife to fulfill the works of darkness will be broken from you and again you will see and walk with your head lifted high and proud to wear the Spirit wherever you are. "You will be clothed with My glory and darkness will be turned to Light.  

"Come now put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of salvation!"1 Thessalonians 5:8

Monday, February 23, 2015

"Look Jesus is breaking out into a dance"

Visions of the night; You may say I am a lunatic, crazy, full of wine. I would admit this vision is not what I would see in the natural. Blame it on the medication I am taking for an allergic reaction to something, or maybe the music I was listening to, but this is what I saw. As I was lying down just kicking back meditating on Him and listening to some tuns I began to see Jesus high and lifted up with the glory of God showing all around Him. In heaven with all the heavenly host looking down on the earth full of darkness, but the song I was listening to "God is here" was coming from worshipers being lifted up into heaven.
Then what was so astonishing, with so much madness, chaos, violence, and wars on all sides, Jesus was breaking out into a dance that surprised me to the point I began to weep, wanting so much to be with Him in the dance. It was like a dance that I could only do with Him in His presence. Motions and movements that could only be created in heaven that have been waiting for a moment it time when heaven and earth would collied again, causing the most violent  one to bow down to Him and become a new creation.
It wasn't the waltz or any slow dance, He the Messiah , the King of kings and Lord of lords was breaking out in moves, I mean His legs were like coming up to His chest and swaying with the Wind, but it was nothing like I've seen on earth. As He move it was like the glory of God moved with Him. Everywhere His arms would turn in the direction of some darkness on earth, lightning would shoot forth from His hands illuminating this area with His Spirit. Rain would begin to fall upon this place in the form of fire. It was flowing like a river of glowing lava  through out these dark areas. Everyone that would move close to this event could see Jesus in the center. As they came closer the rain got heavier and they would begin to dance as the Spirit lifted them up.(Jeremiah 31:1-13)
Then He begins to motion to me to join Him in the dance. He spoke and said "Don't let this world consume you son but draw close to Me and I will teach you the heavenly dance the dance that we can dance together. This is the dance that brings heaven on earth and invites all that will to join in the dance of life."Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in My Father believe in Me. In My Fathers house the are many mansion, if it were not true I would have told you so. I have gone away to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am you will be also.(John 14:1-3)

Friday, February 20, 2015

"A rumbling, a quaking, bam thats it"

1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 With so much darkness in this world you will be shaken from your foundation if not built upon Christ. If it were not for Him we would be a people most miserable and without hope. But because of His death, resurrection and ascension, because God has chosen us to be  sons and daughters of the King and even though we are in this world we are not of this world. For we are going to be caught up with the resurrected saints to meet Christ the Lord in the air and we shall be with Him forever! Something big is coming! There is a rumbling, a quaking of the ground beneath us and the world we live in. It is like an approaching wave in the distance, building in height and breadth as it draws closer. As legions of demonic angels are positioning against myriads of heavens angelic host, it seems that the church has found itself in the middle of this spiritual battle, that in the natural, is beyond our capabilities. It seems like darkness is winning, especially because of our technology, we see and hear what is taking place right before our eyes, exactly what the enemy wants. Brutality, murder, violence, hate crimes, even people being beheaded many of which are christians of the faith. How many times have you thought of giving up, or even dropped your weapons right there on the battle field and began to walk away. When suddenly a voice within you says, "its not time, pick up your sword, I am with you." You're stopped in your tracks by something beyond your comprehension or control.  Habakkuk was in a similar situation as he cried out to God in his day about the violence on every side and didn't see God doing anything about it. But Gods response was "I am doing something in your day that if I were to tell you, you would not believe it (Habakkuk1:5). Even with all the images we see, as believers must see in the spirit, trusting that God's plans are far greater and understand that His ways of dealing with situations will be different from ours, its just a matter of time. What we see taking place in the world today has already been spoken of in the bible and a total melt down of life as we know it is eminent, moving closer to Jacobs trouble, the great tribulation. But Christ is coming for His church! He said when you see these things taking place  "Look up for your redemption draws near."We are in the  beginning of sorrows and the heat has been turned up but Christ our King, the Lion of Judah, is walking in the midst of the fire with us. For He is a consuming fire and His Spirit fills us that we can overwhelmingly conquer through Him. Many throughout history have been persecuted
because of Christ through means of vial acts. Tortured, scourged, stoned to death, crucified upside down, sawn in two and yes beheaded. Why? Because of their love and faith in Christ not loving their lives even unto death. Their reward as is ours is greater than this world could ever offer.  Steven was a brother full of the Spirit and faith doing great wonders and signs for Christ, until his own countrymen couldn't listen to the gospel or take the conviction of the Spirit any longer, so they began to stone him. As he gazed intently into heaven he saw the glory of God and Christ standing at the right hand of the Father. Steven falling down dying from all the stones, said Lord receive my spirit and don't hold this sin against them (Acts 7:54-60). I have no doubt that this recent barbaric act and many others have been orchestrated by the prince of darkness. As with the case of Steven I am convinced it was the same with those brothers, that they saw the glory of the Lord as their spirit's rose to Him (2Corinthians 5:6-9). Satan is the one who robs, kills and destroys and hates everyone that confesses the name of Jesus. These hate groups, terrorist, are no more than gangs being driven by the spirit of anti-christ, preparing the way for the Beast. But the truth is, it is a win win situation for the christian, because of Christ we truly are the victors. For the dragon may kill the flesh but can never kill the spirit! For the Lord Himself shell descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. All the saints including those coptic christians who are dead but in christ will be raised up into heaven, then we who are alive when the rapture occurs will also be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air and so we shall always be with the Lord. The question is, are we the American church ready to lay down our lives for the sake of Christ. Saints it is not a time to magnify the darkness but to magnify the Lord. It is that time to stand for what we believe in and who we confess as Lord of lords and the King of kings in our lives! For the Lord would say " the battle rages on will you dance the dance of freedom in the midst of violence? Or will you be like children in the market place playing the flute and nobody dancing or singing a dirge and nobody weeping. You want things to go your way and you can't see the very presence and plans of God being demonstrated before your eyes. "Come away with Me My beloved My beautiful one and I will show you what is to come" For behold the
winters past the rain is over and gone. The flowers have already appeared in the land; The time has arrived for pruning the vines. For the stars will fall from the heavens, the sky will be rolled up like a scroll  and every mountain and island will be moved out of their places, "but I will never leave you or forsake you. You are My beloved and I love you with an everlasting love"
Hebrews 11; Romans 8:37; Song of Solomon 2:10-12

Friday, February 13, 2015

"Preparing for a visitation"

2 Kings 4:9-10 Behold now I perceive that this is a holy man of God, passing by us continually. Please let us make a little walled upper chamber with a bed, table, chair, lamp-stand. Bare essentials for the prophetic intercessor? or simply providing a place for a visitation. The landscape of the Shunammite woman and her husband was about to change. She was prominent and wealthy but it wasn't convenient for her and her husband to build an addition for Elisha, but she was barren and in need of a touch from God. Is it time to take inventory of our time and place of intimacy with our Father? What does it take to have a move of God, a visitation of the Spirit in our lives and around us? What is God asking of us that we aren't doing that is keeping Him from releasing to us what we need? Being in the line of fire or close proximity to the prophetic will stir up and release the gifting in others. The Shunammite woman was stirred to give out of her need and the kindness of her heart released an awareness that Elisha was a man of God. I am sensing in my spirit a season of time( Kairos) a passing by, a coming near of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the church. If we recognize and prepare a place to be still and know that this is God, we may have an opportunity to be part of a visitation of God. God through the power of the Spirit is coming to bring a dramatic change to the landscape of the church. I don't believe it is always in the great orchestrated services on Sunday morning or the many events that brings the move of God into our midst. Sometimes a lot of commotion is a distraction from really hearing His voice. Elijah was reminded of that when he heard God in a whisper. Jesus spoke a word concerning this very thing in His day that I believe resonates today( which will be my next blog). This woman was moved in her heart and persuade Elisha to eat and this was where Elisha's needs were met. I believe faith was stirred up in her as Elisha passed by continually. It was God orchestrating this season of His visitation to her. She was prominent perhaps busy with other affairs, but she sensed the presence of God, denied her routine and schedule and took the step that would open the door for a visitation and miracle from God. Has the Holy Spirit been passing by you, but you haven't been aware because the busyness of your life won't allow you to take that step and invite Him in? There is a visitation right now coming near to our lives and will break out into a full scale outpouring. Now is the time to see in the Spirit that we would perceive the outpouring coming closer. He has been passing by regularly waiting for us to acknowledge and invite Him in. He doesn't need all the frills to meet with you. Prepare a place now! Dust off the table and chair, turn on the lamp, open the word and close the door, He is about to visit you and the alabaster box will be broken and the precious oil of the Spirit will anoint you. Like the prominent woman you also desperately need to hear from Him, you need a move of God in your life. This is that season, will you not perceive His passing by and reach out, catch the Wind, receive the miracle and the answer that you need. Don't wait, surrender your schedule to Him now. Draw near to Him now! This is the day of salvation, now is the appointed time and He will draw near to you and change you and your schedules. You will be on a supernatural schedule being blown with the Spirit and seeing the effects. This one passing by need not be a holy man of God, but the Holy Spirit is guiding, using them to bring a blessing, to encourage, to give direction and wisdom in your life. These that God has called also have needs and we are called to give to the needs of the saints (Romans 12:13). God has set those in the body to be a blessing and a gift. They could be your pastor, a nurse, a worship leader or perhaps a gardner( Ephesians. 4:11) You need not be prominent just perceiving and obedient. Entertain those that The Spirit brings your way, for you will most likely be unaware that they could be angels( Hebrews 13:2).The Shunammite was unable to have children and her husband was old. But God through Elisha passed by at the right time and she perceived, responded and by faith received the man of God, which in time God released to them a miracle, a son, no longer barren! There are some now that feel barren both spiritually and physically. There are churches that are struggling and in need of a move of God. Its not always the enemy that is the culprit, but we who need to hear, respond and be obedient to what God is doing.This next move of God is packed with numerous encounters with the Spirit fulfilling those destinies He has for you. Invite the Spirit to come and dine with you, He has an encounter waiting for you! For the Spirit would say " I will test you to see how desperate and serious you are." As I come near to you will you respond and receive Me, or will you say Lord I have faith, I perceive that you are coming near, but wait till it is convenient, then I will be obedient and give to this one in need. The Lord would say"Are you better then the widow who gave all she had?Don't wait till the waters are parted before you step in. Step in and I will give you the faith, courage and resources to not only step upon but ride the waves."

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"Its time, a season of heavy rain, perceiving its coming"

Lamentations 3:25-26 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good that he waits silently for the salvation of the Lord. For the work that the Lord is about to do in you now, will affect you throughout this life. For a heavy rain is about to come upon your heart, can you perceive it? For you are at a cross road in your life and ministry, its time to choose His way. Choosing His road will mean surrendering yours. Denying yourself and walking in humility will bring a friendship with the Father that you so desire. Let His wave of love crash over you and you will be flooded with sensitivity to the times and season of the Spirit and there will be authority given to you for His good pleasure. A strong awareness of His presence is about to come to you and His desire is that the work He has started in your life will shine forth and bring Him glory. A tilling up of the soil is needed for the rain to penetrate for you to know His heart and what God is calling you to do. You have been shaken by the  fear of man which has caused you to run and hide bound up like a slave, keeping you from walking in His authority. The Lord would say; "I can change that and liberate you, so you can serve Me without the fear of man and your will consuming you." The pressure of pleasing man has gripped you and swept you away from actively perusing Him. But the Lord says, I am relentless will I not rescue and bring you back as My sons and daughters that you can sit in My presence and that the fear of the Lord be restored into your life. For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, so ask for wisdom that you may respond to the Spirit as you perceive this season taking place in your heart. If you draw near to Me I will draw near to you. I will open rivers on the bare heights and springs in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land fountains of water.(Isaiah 41:18) Can God not bring rain in the natural declaring what is taking place in the spiritual? He does and He will!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Taken by the Wind"

John 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit. The Lord would say I know your predictability and the path you have made that is very worn and your surroundings have become boring. My Spirit will change that as you surrender your daily schedules and responsibilities to Me, I will make everything new. I will cause you to see with new eyes your surroundings and your path will be changed to a highway taking you to those people, places and events that the Spirit will lead you to. Let Me do this work in your heart that even as the wind blows and there are effects from it so the Spirit will take you and there will be fruit that will last.