Friday, October 5, 2018

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness. A tremendous shaking will proceed an amazing awakening. The hearts of the people are being revealed on the open forum. Unfortunately because of the influence of darkness and the way Satan has infiltrated the minds of the people, many now think that those things that are good and holism are now evil. But if they begin to think the opposite (which can only come from a reborn heart) which is, good is good and evil is evil, light is light and darkness is darkness, then they would  realize that all that is good comes from the Father of lights and all that is evil comes from our unregenerate hearts in need of a Savior. It is Satan who has turned things upside down. He is the father of lies.These lies have not changed the minds over night, but over years/generations. But it is the church that needs to bring the light of the gospel to a darkened world. So that through His truth the upside down will be turned right side up. But there is something else happening in this nation. Because of our disobedience and the rebellion against Gods laws He has like in Joel 2 allowed an army of darkness to invade every area of our lives that we might wake up, repent, turn to Him and trust in His plans for our lives. A boldness is coming to the church that makes a stand against this wave of evil and will recapture what the locust has eaten up. For the Lord says as my church cries out to Me I will hear from heaven and heal their land. I will shake all that can be shaken and build up the ancient walls of truth and righteousness. I will go before them like a mighty Warrior, defending them and placing a hedge round about them. I will bring the early and latter rain and give you increase on every side.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

"Run for cover or run into His presence"

An exchange of weaponry is coming. He that rules the north will get a fatal wound and be brought low. Signs of an awakening can be seen and God the almighty reigns over all. A great shaking of the west will open a highway of revival. The grace and mercy of God the Father will overshadow the conflict. 
Song of Songs 2:16 Who do you belong to? Who is your influence? A strong warning to the church! Take heed this is not a time to walk in out out of your relationship with your bridegroom. But it's time to have a solid intimate connection with the Spirit! For His beauty shall be seen and His glory shall be known. So church run into His presence, for He is your Shield! For He is calling the church to call the nations into His Light! Will God intervene?  He did in "94" with a renewal that impacted numerous lives! Don't forget the Fathers plans are to invite all to come to the wedding feast. Clouds rising from the earth 🌏 like that of mushrooms 🍄. Fire falling upon the land like tongues from heaven. Cries of anguish and despair. An intervention, a visitation of His presence. A kingdom like none other breaking through the madness and gathering up His beloved. Darkness rising, but the fragrance of worship scattering enemies. An atmosphere of heaven descending and capturing souls. All eyes 👀 see His glory, but not all receive Him. The swords have been raised, but His sickle gathers the harvest. He will not relent until His plans are fulfilled! Take heed all nations and pay attention you who say you love God, run 🏃🏻 run into the shadow of His wings, for a two-edged sword comes forth from the King 👑 of glory subduing the enemy. Many strong and mighty blown away, but His trees 🌲 will not be shaken! Many dancing 💃 in the valley of death 💀 and the
resurrection of dead bones being drenched with hot oil, dressed with the wind of the Spirit. A shout was heard and directed to the four corners of earth 🌏 "get ready to release the wind" The rock will be shaken and the dome will crumble. Mt. Moriah will ascend once again. The temple rock will be resurrected and the daily sacrifice reinstated for a season. Take heed church and warn the Jewish nation not to follow after this man of deception. For he will arise with great power and authority deceiving even the very elect if possible. The time is short and the forces of darkness are taking position to destroy the plans of The Ancient of days. But the Lord of Glory will arise will healing in His wings. So fear Him who is able to kill both body and soul and  return now to your first love. For there are still many souls who are awaiting a visitation of salvation, to be snatched out of the fires licking at their feet! A rumbling, a quaking of the House of White, even every nation, kingdom and authority will be in disarray. But you church are the seeds of revival. You are the bowls of intercession being poured out upon this land. You are the birth pains, the sacrifice, the laborers that the Spirit blows upon the fields of humanity, bringing a worldwide awakening!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Clouds rising from the earth 🌏 like that of mushrooms 🍄. Fire falling upon the land like tongues from heaven. Cries of anguish and despair. An intervention, a visitation of His presence. A kingdom like none other breaking through the madness and gathering up His beloved. Darkness rising, but the Fragrance of worship scattering enemies. An atmosphere of heaven descending and capturing souls. All eyes 👀 see His glory, but not all receive Him. The swords have been released, but His sickle gathers the harvest. He will not relent until His plans are fulfilled! Take heed all nations and pay attention you who say you love God, run 🏃🏻 run into His sanctuary, for a two-edged sword comes forth from the King 👑 of glory subduing the enemy. Many strong and mighty blown away, but His trees 🌲 were not shaken! Many dancing 💃 in the valley of death 💀 resurrection of dead bones being drenched with hot oil, dressed with the wind of the Spirit. A shout was heard and directed to the four corners of earth 🌏 "get ready to release the wind"

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"Your wind or the wind of the Spirit"

Interesting comparison; cleaning off driveway of leaves and dirt with blower. As I was directing the wind from the blower to move the debris where I wanted it to go, the wind came from the opposite direction causing me to fight against the wind. What I could have done was change my direction and work with the wind, making the job much easier. After finishing up I sensed the Spirit speaking to me and saying, "This is how much of the church is with Me. They are working in their own strength, I come blowing in the direction of heaven, but they fight against Me." When you got upset with the wind coming and disrupting your work, wanting the wind to stop so you could continue to go in your direction, this is how many in the church react to My presence. "I come to bring the direction of the Father, sometimes with a violent force, other times a gentle breeze. Many have gotten upset with Me and the effects that I bring and have refused to acknowledge Me. This is why many churches are working in their own wind because they don't want Mine. But for those who go in the direction of My wind they will prosper in the Spirit and the gifts and callings will flow. Act 2; Psalms 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it.

"You church are the seeds of revival"

The rock will be shaken and the dome will crumble. Mt. Moriah will ascend once again. The temple rock will be resurrected and the daily sacrifice reinstated for a season. Take heed church and warn the Jewish nation not to follow after this man of deception. For he will arise with great power and authority deceiving even the very elect if possible. The time is short and the forces of darkness are taking position to destroy the plans of The Ancient of days. But the Lord of Glory will arise will healing in His wings. So fear Him who is able to kill both body and soul and  return now to your first love. For there are still many souls who are awaiting a visitation of salvation, to be snatched out of the fires licking at their feet! A rumbling, a quaking of the House of White, even every nation, kingdom and authority will be in disarray. But you church are the seeds of revival. You are the bowls of intercession being poured out upon this land. You are the birth pains, the sacrifice, the laborers that the Spirit blows upon the fields of humanity, bringing a worldwide awakening!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

"Unwrapping the grave cloths"

Joel 2:28 your sons and daughters will prophesy! This is a promise from God that He would pour out His Spirit in the last days, and this would be one of the affects. There are seasons that return for the purpose of the church to rise up, take hold and continually releasing Gods promises to His people. This is one of those seasons "to declare over and call forth our sons and daughters to prophesy." We parents, grandparents and church parents, we must rise up and be that Obidiah that hid the prophets from Jezebel who wanted to kill them. The enemy wants to subdue and scatter our children's generation (many have been) keeping them dead to what God has called them to. Church --Call them out of the graves (the influences) of the world and hide them in the Rock. Release the prophetic over and in them. Unwrap the grave clothes from them sending them into their prophetic destiny of what God has called them to!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Visions of the night/Caught up

A whirlwind of Gods grace is forming with the divine purpose of awakening the church to follow Jesus out of the synagogue into the fields. Vision of a whirlwind made up of people His bride. The whirlwind was attached to a huge wheel and as the wheel moved so did the wind and visa versa. A catching or taking up is coming, but a paring together will proceed. You who have no place within the structure have a destiny in His plans. You who have been struggling with the structure and wondering if your hearing His voice, He is speaking to you. His voice is echoing. "Look I am running through the field, come catch up with Me." For even as Elijah and Elisha walked together as one in the Spirit, He is calling the church to walk together, not in the traditions of men but in the Spirit. For the Whirlwind of grace will blow through the closed doors of the church and overturn the tables of mans affairs, cultures and networks, gathering all who hunger and thirst for righteousness to be adorned with the mantle of His Spirit and caught up into the Whirlwind. You will be caught up in the bridegrooms presence no more questioning if your hearing His voice. The time is short it's time to prepare a place, an atmosphere of prophetic flow, violent intercession, with the purpose of knowing and asking the Whirlwind to come, come, come and take us up, sending us to the four corners. Pleading the blood of Messiah over the nation. To ask mercy over America, not to give us what we deserve, but what we need, "AWAKENING" Who among the church is crying out, "Where is the God of Elijah" so desperate as to be willing to throw down your desires and plans for a double portion of His Spirit. Shake off the dust of apathy! Leave that which you call safety, and run into the wind that is ready to catch you up!!