Friday, October 5, 2018

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness. A tremendous shaking will proceed an amazing awakening. The hearts of the people are being revealed on the open forum. Unfortunately because of the influence of darkness and the way Satan has infiltrated the minds of the people, many now think that those things that are good and holism are now evil. But if they begin to think the opposite (which can only come from a reborn heart) which is, good is good and evil is evil, light is light and darkness is darkness, then they would  realize that all that is good comes from the Father of lights and all that is evil comes from our unregenerate hearts in need of a Savior. It is Satan who has turned things upside down. He is the father of lies.These lies have not changed the minds over night, but over years/generations. But it is the church that needs to bring the light of the gospel to a darkened world. So that through His truth the upside down will be turned right side up. But there is something else happening in this nation. Because of our disobedience and the rebellion against Gods laws He has like in Joel 2 allowed an army of darkness to invade every area of our lives that we might wake up, repent, turn to Him and trust in His plans for our lives. A boldness is coming to the church that makes a stand against this wave of evil and will recapture what the locust has eaten up. For the Lord says as my church cries out to Me I will hear from heaven and heal their land. I will shake all that can be shaken and build up the ancient walls of truth and righteousness. I will go before them like a mighty Warrior, defending them and placing a hedge round about them. I will bring the early and latter rain and give you increase on every side.