Friday, March 25, 2016

Real prayer. What is real prayer, and what is the difference between real and fake, or should I say "passing by prayer". Let me use one example for this season as we remember our Lords death and resurrection. Jesus was in Gethsemane with His disciples and as He went to pray they were asked to watch and pray with Him. Jesus being heavy burden and distressed said "Father if it is possible let this cup pass from Me, yet not as I will but as Thou wilt. Now that's real prayer! Dying to our will and living for His. Real prayer changes the heart. Real prayer requires denying self. Real prayer will bury the temptations of this life and resurrect you a new person. The disciples couldn't watch and pray even for an hour. I think the definition for fake or passing by prayer is because we don't have the time or should I say "want to take time from our schedule" we just pass by the throne room of our Father and throw up a few requests and we're on our way. The disciples were indifferent and apathetic and that is why they couldn't watch and pray for at lest an hour and that's why they fell into temptation. Fake prayer will never change you. Real prayer will give you the power to do His will and give you a heart to want more time with Him. Christ our resurrected Lord and Savior is calling the church to "come away with Me My beloved" and linger in My presence and you will be changed,really changed!!