Friday, June 26, 2015

America the beautiful! Continues to be blessed by the Father of lights, but embraces the lie and falls deeper into deception making the lie its truth. But soon Truth will appear and defeat deception, the father of lies and all darkness with the two-edged sword coming forth from His mouth! (Revelation 1:6) What lie will be able to stand in the presence of eternal Truth? What darkness will be able to cloud, dissipate or hide from His glory? Only the righteous, redeemed of the Lord, wash by His blood will be able to stand in His presence when He appears. Though America may be proud of its decisions and many cultures are rallying with excitement, the day of reckoning is coming. Those who have been swallowed up by this dust storm of darkness will not be able to stand upon the law of the land. America has failed to trust God the Father and look to His laws and will. Saints, we are in this world , but we are not of this world. We look to our real home where we have already been enrolled into heaven. So be strong and courages for the Lord your God He is with you and He is mighty to save!!